Building a Brand that Attracts Leads and Keeps Clients

Gaining customers: Don’t Talk About “How” and “What”, Address the “Why”

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Gaining customers: Don’t Talk About “How” and “What”, Address the “Why”

building a brand that attracts clients

Our current economic world is filled with both an abundance of options for purchase, paired with cost-conscious consumers looking for “what’s in it for me?” While consumers are quicker to part with their money than they were four years ago, gone are the days of impulse buying without fear of consequences. When building a brand you must remember that consumers are budget-minded, value oriented and savvy when it comes to getting the most for their money. In order to get an arm up in a product-saturated market, your sales and marketing strategy needs to be less about “what you have,” and more about “why they want it.”

Building a Brand that Attracts Clients

The Ins and Outs of Ethos, Logos and Pathos

Some of the most successful marketing strategies focus on how a product is going to benefit and enhance the lives of the consumer purchasing it. When you are building a brand, consider the approach to have your end goal be about satisfying your consumer. At the end of the day, you want a customer who is going to keep coming back to your company or your product because of either how it makes them feel, or the level of service they received from the purchasing experience.

Ethos in sales and marketing focuses on the credibility and reliability of a product. Why should a customer want to purchase a product from you? Because of how trustworthy you are as a company, and how no matter what, they know they will have a positive experience working with you. In order to gain repeat business, you need to demonstrate your prowess as a reliable company with a reliable product. Maybe you have an excellent return policy. Maybe you guarantee a lifetime warranty. Or maybe, you just have a phenomenal customer support staff so that whatever problem may arise, you have the best interests of the customer in front of you. That’s why they want to do business with you over anyone else.

Logos in sales and marketing focuses on the fact that it just makes sense. Why would a customer want to go anywhere else when you have the best service, the best prices, the best product or the best shopping experience? It’s all about the practicality to the consumer of why they should work with you. Maybe your product will save them time or money– who wouldn’t want that? Maybe you market yourself with the easiest hassle-free business experience. Logos communicates that it just makes sense to buy from you– that’s why your customer should want to do business with you over anyone else.

Pathos in sales and marketing creates a feeling of need, want and emotion related to a product. Perhaps you want to communicate to your customer how they are going to feel based on the experience they have from your product, service or business relationship. Building a brand based on a Pathos mentality is a powerful business practice because it connects with your customer at a deeper level. Pathos communicates value in a brand, and solidly answers the question of why a customer would want to work with you– because of how it will make them feel.

Building a brand in a competitive market can seem daunting, but some of the most successful businesses out there have a #1 focus approach and that is on customer service and satisfaction. Communicate value and benefit to your customer and solidly address the “why”– why buying from you, working with you or doing business with you will ultimately enhance their lives over doing business with another competitor.

What is Branding Strategy

Roye Okupe
Roye Okupe
Author of E.X.O. – The Legend of Wale Williams Part One (as seen on CNN, BBC & Forbes) Roye Okupe specializes in web design, marketing & branding for Authors, Small Businesses & IT Firms. He is the founder of YouNeek Studios a transmedia company focused on telling diverse superhero stories & Roye Productions, an Inbound Marketing agency with a variety of services designed to transform businesses into major players in their markets.